We have been asked over the years if events such as ice cream socials, holiday toy drives, garage sales, etc, conducted by real estate agents within their communities to market their personal/team brand are covered under their E&O policy. What if someone comes to an event and gets injured or worse, is the real estate agent/agency liability covered by their E&O policy? The short answer is no. Garage sales, come visit Santa, 5k charity races, wine tastings, etc. are communal events that are not “normal” activities performed by an agent providing real estate services.

Understandability many of these events are great ways to keep your name top of mind and create goodwill within your market but they have their own risk exposures. This liability can be address by a special event rider to your existing GL policy. Often these riders are a few hundred dollars and can cover multiple types of events over the yearly term of the policy. Considering most agents don’t carry a GL policy themselves, your agency can obtain a rider and pass through the incremental premium increase/ expense to those agents who conduct these types of community outreach events. Stay safe and covered because sometimes remorse is what you DON’T buy.

Interested in PBI Group generating an E&O insurance quote for your real estate agency? Click here.