Service oriented real estate professionals can sometimes get themselves into trouble if they feel compelled to give advice on matters that are beyond their professional scope. You are not hired to be an expert in all things pertaining to home/land/building ownership. To help avoid a lawsuit…never offer opinions on:
Legal Issues: Encourage your client to retain an attorney early on in the transaction, they can be a valuable resource during the property evaluation phase.
Zoning: Unfortunately your client will have to do some leg work on their own to figure out the specific zoning laws pertaining to their property or they can always hire an attorney.
Property Boundaries: This can be a very detailed and complicated part of a transaction, defer to the surveyors who are the experts and attorneys who are more qualified to interrupt the reports.
Anything not on MLS: Focus your area of expertise around information in the MLS, this can be challenging enough without adding in all of the above.
*McCune, Daniel R., Perdue, Kimberly and Charlton-Perrin, Gawain, “Top Ten Tips for Real Estate Agents to Avoid Getting Sued,” Hanover Insurance Group, August 2016.